Annual Micro Small Industry Training 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pesisir Selatan Regency

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Annual Micro Small Industry Training 2022

Annual Micro Small Industry Training 2022

August 3, 2022 | BPS Activities

Painan – (1/8) The Central Statistics Agency of Pesisir Selatan Regency has held IMK survey training activities for the 2022 annual activity. In the training, which was guided by Rizki Wahyudi, S.E. and Sri Handayani, which was attended by 13 partners at the Triza Painan hotel. In the training, there were 35 census sample blocks spread from Silaut to Koto IX Tarusan where the IMK business units to be sampled were 160 units.

In his direction at the opening of the training for the Head of BPS Pesisir Selatan Yudi Yos Elvin S.Si, M.Si conveyed the importance of IMK data for government policies, such as the IMK Business Cost Structure. This training is intended so that partners can understand the concept and definition of enumeration for Micro and Small Industries. Based on data collected in 2021, the food processing industry is the largest industry in Pesisir Selatan Regency. The food processing industry certainly requires ingredients to process its food, one of which is cooking oil. Cooking oil is a global community that is almost used in all foods. It is hoped that with this IMK enumeration the government can find out the condition of IMK in the Pesisir Selatan.
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